by Billy | Oct 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Hey toychanic fans! You heard correct, I’m back on YouTube. Make sure you drop by for a livestream (usually announced on my instagram @billmarutoychanics) You can check out my channel for tutorials and awesome repair chats!...
by Billy | Apr 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
I am closing for April to take a break. If you have already mailed your figures then they will be repaired as planned. Otherwise… I have to take a mental break. I have a ton of repairs from you wonderful people and I want to be able to focus on those, organizing my...
by Billy | Apr 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
I created a vector of Dr. Zed for my wife. I used Illustrator 5 and basic layering.
by Billy | Mar 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
I have a small update for you Fanmarus out there. I am working on a passion project for myself: a better Iron Fist to go along with my Luke Cage. Danny Rand is easily in my favorite top 5 heroes list. Here is a very early W.I.P. shot of him. Also, I will be doing a...
by Billy | Mar 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
These are two heads that I bought from This is one of the best places I have ever used for casts. Here you can see two John Stewart DCUC heads that I painted using Citadel brand paints (my personal favorites). Not sure what I want to...
by Billy | Feb 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
This custom Conner Kent was made for a very patient customer who understood that some times real life can get in the way of our hobbies. With that said, here is my take on Young Justice’s...