New Avengers’ Dr. Strange

New Avengers’ Dr. Strange

This is a custom of Dr. Strange based on his New Avengers appearance. The base body is a DCUC Question. The head came from the original Toybiz, Marvel Legends’ Dr. Strange. The head can be switched between the two bodies as well. The flesh tone hands are from a...
Nick Fury (Street Wear)

Nick Fury (Street Wear)

This was a really fun custom due to Nick Fury being one of my TOP 5 Marvel characters.  I believe the figure community deserves more “casually dressed” outfitted...
DCUC Deadshot Unmasked + Cigarettes

DCUC Deadshot Unmasked + Cigarettes

This was a fun custom to approach. A customer wanted Deadshot’s head to be swappable with an unmasked version. So I used magnets to make this so (as you can see below.) The cigarettes are simply sculpted and painted. The eye piece in the mask was a translucent...