Sailor Moon and Winter Soldier Fixes

So, this is an odd combo to put up, but that is the life of a Toychanic. The Sailor Moon isn’t fully fixed yet as Figuarts are some of the most difficult figures to fix (along with most imports) due to the’r non adhering pvc / plastic. So, I’m praying to the glue gods...
Spiderman and his Amazing… heads…

Spiderman and his Amazing… heads…

This was a really fun project. Basically, the customer sent me a Spiderman with no neck, 4 heads and two different calves/feet. Sounds fun to me.  He wanted the heads to be interchangeable, so I suggested a magnet. He was happy with that idea.  The photos here speak...

Shocker Toys Jack Staff Prototype Reconstruction

So, this was a definite learning experience. I learned to rebuild individual parts on a figure. I may have even discovered a new curse word in the process. Basically a client came to me with a broken prototype of the Shocker Toys Jack Staff. I told him upfront that...
XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

For any of you serious Marvel Legends collectors out there, I’m sure you are well aware of the disappointing whispers floating around about the new Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive All New X-Men boxset.  Some were angry about the Angel’s wings not being articulated, Beast’s...

DC Collectibles Firefly Thigh Repair

I love the DC Collectibles / Direct lines. .. Honest, I do. I just wish they’d take note of the brittle plastic; that is prone to breaking, they use for joints! Either way, here are a few photos on how to repair a broken peg. The screw I used is officially called a...

Johann Kraus Hip Peg Repair

This was a fairly basic fix.  Johann Kraus (Hellboy) had a peg break off clean. It was as simple as dremeling holes and placing screws in the proper place. Broken Peg Dremeled Johann Kraus is like new...