XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

For any of you serious Marvel Legends collectors out there, I’m sure you are well aware of the disappointing whispers floating around about the new Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive All New X-Men boxset.  Some were angry about the Angel’s wings not being articulated, Beast’s...
New Avengers’ Dr. Strange

New Avengers’ Dr. Strange

This is a custom of Dr. Strange based on his New Avengers appearance. The base body is a DCUC Question. The head came from the original Toybiz, Marvel Legends’ Dr. Strange. The head can be switched between the two bodies as well. The flesh tone hands are from a Sota...

DC Collectibles Firefly Thigh Repair

I love the DC Collectibles / Direct lines. .. Honest, I do. I just wish they’d take note of the brittle plastic; that is prone to breaking, they use for joints! Either way, here are a few photos on how to repair a broken peg. The screw I used is officially called a...
Young Justice Superboy

Young Justice Superboy

This custom Conner Kent was made for a very patient customer who understood that some times real life can get in the way of our hobbies. With that said, here is my take on Young Justice’s...
Nick Fury (Street Wear)

Nick Fury (Street Wear)

This was a really fun custom due to Nick Fury being one of my TOP 5 Marvel characters.  I believe the figure community deserves more “casually dressed” outfitted...