MaruFans- today I bring you a very common repair I do quite often. I’ve been asked to do a little more detailed breakdown of the process, so I hope this helps. This was the first time that I received a Croc with the center plastic in the crotch missing, so this was a new one on me as well, but I found that this method you’re about to read is actually a more solid approach to fixing Croc. So, to begin I used a Carlon A470D Outlet Box Cover to carve out the shape I needed to fill in the hole for the leg pegs. I use these quite a bit because they are inexpensive, easy to dremel, solid as a rock and adhere with superglue like a champion. So, once I had the shapes cut to fit, I dremeled a hole through it and inserted a very sturdy screw. The screw was cut to fit so the legs wouldn’t stick out. I then used my “sea-bead” technique to create leg pegs. You have to dremel out the sea bead just a bit to make sure they fit snugly and also do not break. I laced the screw with superglue in order to make sure the screw stayed in place as well as the beads. Finally, you heat up the legs with your preferred method. I like to use a heat gun (Note: Be very careful when using a heat gun as they are 100 times more powerful than a blow dryer.) After the legs have softened, then you pop them on and wait for them to re-harden. That’s my technique! I hope it helps because he is not cheap to ship to me and then pay again to have it shipped back! I’m always available to help and this fix in particular will run $15 plus return shipping. Have a great day!
Killer Croc DC CollectiblesSee images »